21 April 2014

Easter wrap up, Project Sandman update and Meditation.Phew.

Happy Easter Peabodies

How was your Easter? I hope you had a wonderful one. Did you spend time with family? I hope you all got a chance to relax. I love Easter time, in our house its hot cross buns, cups of tea and gearing up for winter - getting ready to snuggle under the doona. The EmuUggs are on even though its been unusually warm, I feel if I put them on then the rain is sure to follow.

Usually the Mushypeas family go camping but this year was Pipsqueaks first birthday, she's all wobbly on her feet and still finding her balance so we thought a crawling baby in the bush wouldn't be much fun.
We had a very small get together for her birthday - our normal Easter get together with a birthday cake really. 
I love making birthdays magical for the kids. I feel like every year I learn a little more about putting on a good party.
This year I was calm and relaxed for the first time ever and I'll put together a blog post with some great tips about kids parties soon.

Project Sandman by the way was a complete bust! Failed by the second night.
The first night we were good boys and girls we went to bed right on time.
Night two saw me crawl into bed at 11:30.
Night three was 12:30.
But by night four I gave up trying.

I have since then found a meditation app on my iPhone. I use a quick 15 minute one it calms me down and helps me sleep much better. Theres lots of medication apps out there  - its about finding one that suits you.
It definitely calms me down - gives me a better night sleep and a calmer outlook for the following day.

Do you mediate?
By yourself or with a class? 
Does it help you?

My 100 happy days is still going strong. I'll post some more on that later in the week too.

Well I can't stay here and type when there's chocolate to be eaten!

Peas Out.

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